Lamaara is an innovative startup who are delivering solutions with extraordinary ideas for everyday problems to ease the common man's endurance. They are mainly concentrating on water purifying technologies, smart agriculture and waste management.
A good company website design tells as much as possible about the company, even at first glance. The balanced design with proper colour tone and typography is the main thing we should focus on giving the first impression. Also, it should align with the brand style. In addition to that, we concentrated on SEO & in page User Flow which eventually turns the simple WordPress website to an elegant online face and a conversion tool for their startup.
Telling the true story about the founder's Mission, Vision and Passion helped them to get connected with the right kind of people of their area of interest. Also, the real testimonials from their client and well-wishers give them a push in the investors in addition to their unique product idea. One thumb rule we followed in this is adding sufficient white space for each of the sections to make elements stand out.